Slowly rebuilding from the ruins after the explosive climax of the last post.  Expect three more posts after this one as I slowly draw the Arquenia Saga to close.  Also, notice the year change.  I won't go into detail about the Arquenian Calendar (unless you want me to), but Kapton is the last month in the calendar, and each month has 30 days, so following the climax on Kapton 30th, we're moving to a new year and to Morden, the first month.

Part CXXXIII: Song for the Fallen

Date: Morden 2nd, 115 A.U.

A low dirge played across the silent city, even as embers still lingered from the fires that had once besieged the city.  A slow procession moved through the streets, nearly all of them auggers except for the couple faces of those not of their kind.  Heads dipped down in silent sorrow, even as feet moved concealing a joy that they had not felt for a long time.  The procession slowly moved to the great ship ahead of them as, slowly, members boarded the ship even as many auggers stopped, watching in silence as the crew loaded in.  Slowly, the ship’s doors sealed shut and it took off in a quiet hum, rising up off of the ground before flying away into the air, leaving the ruins for the survivors to rebuild.

And a promise to return.


Reynyagn gazed out the window of the large front of the ship.  Catan the Silent was driving this vehicle, which his ancestors had built long beforehand in the case of an emergency.  It would be quick, and well-armored in case they ran into any stray elven ships that hadn’t heard of the news of the downfall of their empire.

“It’s…  it’s hard to accept the truth,” Astrid said quietly.

Augger slowly nodded.  “It is,” he said quietly.  “Although the last member to the team, I still had developed close relationships with both of them.  We always knew that death was lurking in the distance…  But I never expected it to take away two team members in one fateful day.”

 “It was perfectly timed…” Reynyagn murmured.


“Oh—sorry,” Reynyagn said.  “Not their deaths, mind you…  But just the whole event.  That exactly one hundred fourteen days after the Upheaval, the elves would have been defeated.”

“They had planned the timing,” Monty replied, pursing his lips.  “With everything else that we’ve learned, it seems like they had planned everything down to the exact day when they would be awakening the Watcher.”

“Speaking of things we’ve learned, has anyone been able to contact Iraina yet?” Zarien asked.

“I’ve been trying,” Astrid said quietly.  “No answers, though.  Why do you want to talk to him anyways?  If what you said is true—“

“I don’t want him for the help,” Zarien said, shaking his head.  “Yes, as Unyihi Garum told us, Iraina is a traitor.  But even traitors can be dangerous, even after Jaigran is killed.  I had hoped to try to control him in some way if we got in touch with him.”

“He’s in the middle of Araelia,” Astrid said.  “I doubt that he could do much to sabotage the cause there with all of the rest of our military presence there.”

“True enough…” Zarien said.  “I only wish…”  His voice slowly trailed off into silence.

“Well,” Augger said after a while.  “I didn’t think about it much yesterday, with you guys arriving and all from destroying the Mothership, but I guess I need to get used to your new title, Number 6.”

“Yeah…” the orc replied.  “I…  I don’t know.  After being Number 994 for so long…  Well, it’s a bit jolting to suddenly be promoted by so many titles.  And… well, I dunno.  I mean, I’ve already forsaken all other parts of the orcish system…”

“What are you saying?”

“We’ll just say that I’m still thinking about it,” he replied. “We’re going to have to do something about the rigid orc system.  Even with the destruction of the elven empire, I’m doubting it will be leaving easy.  And since I’m both a member of the Xavier Team, and now one of the most powerful orcs remaining in Arquenia, a lot is going to be hanging on me as we try to figure out what we’re going to do.”

“I see.”

“And what about you?” the orc asked.  “You have name problems of your own, do you not?”

“Yes,” Augger said, slowly nodding.  “I…  I’m not sure yet what I plan on doing.  From my short discussion with Grandine yesterday, I believe that I’ll be reinstated on the island and that the sins of my forefathers will be forgiven, but I will have to do something about my name.  There is much to consider.”

Date: Morden 25th, 115 A.U.

The ship slowly lowered down into the great tunnel that now led directly into Araelia.  Eyes darted around even while hands stood ready at the gun ports as it descended, turning on lights as it went into the dim darkness that surrounded the city.

“I think Iraina was more busy than we thought he was,” Monty said quietly as they moved out of the tunnel to hover over the city.  Slowly, the ship came down to a resting point as the team cautiously got out to look out across the dim city, leaving Catan the Silent behind to maintain and defend the ship, if necessary.  It was silent, even as in the distance they could see partially-destroyed buildings and ruin.

“The city’s…  it’s desolate…” Astrid whispered.

“There are people watching us from the shadows,” Reynyagn murmured.  “I’ll go gain information from them.”

The remaining members of the Xavier Team, along with Monty, slowly walked up the stairs, moving into the door way to arrive in the ransacked room which, although partially-set up, still was a far cry of what the governor’s office used to look like. 

Ex-governor Astrid slumped at a chair across the desk from them.  Oldin, Head of the F.R.I., sat beside her.  They looked up upon seeing them enter. 

“Welcome, Xavier Team,” Astrid said, slowly nodding.  “You have done well in fulfilling your mission.”

“So you know, then?” Astrid the Healer asked.

“Aye…  I do,” Astrid the Governor replied.  “We were able to receive the messages you sent us, but Iraina had damaged our device enough so that we weren’t able to send messages back.”

“Speaking of Iraina…” Reynyagn began.  “The people we talked to were able to give us some information, but-”

“Iraina is gone,” Astrid the Governor replied.  “From what I understand, he began to receive messages from you stating Jaigran’s destruction the first day of this year, but was trying to verify that with external sources before he did anything.  I believe that about the time he learned from the elves above him that the Mothership had been destroyed and the empire collapsed, the dwarves in the mountains had just begun to send out small forces against him.  He had been planning on confronting them before, but, upon learning that Jaigran had been defeated, packed up and left with the rest of the elves, allowing the dwarves to reclaim the city.”

“And you?”

“I was placed back in charge… for the moment,” Astrid the Governor replied softly.  “I do not wish for my position here.  But someone needs to do it for the moment.  Oldin and I have been working at repairing the damage the elves wrought.”  She paused. 

“Where is Jroldin?” Oldin suddenly asked, standing up suddenly upon realizing his absence.

“You didn’t tell them in the messages?” Reynyagn asked, glancing toward Zarien.

“Since Iraina didn’t answer, I didn’t think to do so,” Zarien said.

Reynyagn turned back to Oldin and took a deep breath before beginning.  “Your son…  your son acted valiantly as the Priest-King,” he slowly said.  “He provided us with key insights as the Priest-King and was instrumental in telling Flek what to do to destroy Jaigran and the Watcher.”  He paused, even as he could see that Oldin had already figured it out.  “Your son…” Reynyagn said quietly.  “Your son died a hero, Oldin.  He kept trying, even when he knew he was dead.  And he wanted to let you know…”  Reynyagn’s voice caught.  “He wanted to let you know that he loved you.  And that he was finally ready to be called Jacob.”

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