No joke this time... Unless people want to joke that I said I'd talk about everything and then I didn't *shrugs* Anyways, having gotten a good many questions about stuff and some people who have trouble keeping the characters straight, I thought I'd take a short interlude to set some things straight and provide a platform for people to ask questions. So first some stuff on the characters

Flek: A seventeen year old goblin hero. He first began fighting in the ranks of the goblin war forces at the age 10, like all goblin fighters, but soon rose through the length for his great skill with the corsha weapons. He soon came to a point where he could have been commander of the whole army, but rejected it to be a 'free' warrior, subject only to Lord Freglak. He tends to take many risks (as all goblins should), but is better than the other goblins in his fighting because he tends to get lucky a greater percent of the time. Flek doesn't really think much, though, about what his actions could cause, and many times avoids death by the fraction of an inch. Still, he has a very likeable personality and is rather popular among the goblin troops.

Astrid: Astrid is a twenty one year old woman who lives in Araelia. Working as a nurse, she only somewhat enjoys her job, viewing it mostly as being a necessary evil. She is rather separate and distant from most of her family except for her brother, Monty. As a result, she doesn't usually go to family gatherings, and those that she does go to... well... The last family gather had, I guess you could say, a somewhat memorable event involving her... though most people present would rather forget it... She believes the world to be in general, a cold dark place and doesn't see any hope for the Resistance other than eventually being exterminated by the Resistance and dying. Her brother Monty thinks that all she needs to really succeed and enjoy a happy life would be to actually have something that she actually hopes and believes in. Astrid isn't so sure.

Zarien: Zarien is a fifteen year old elven soldier who fights against the rest of his fellow elves. As the oldest elves only live to the age of fifty, Zarien is in the prime of his life and is a fairly good soldier among the ranks. Zarien's two best friends among the ranks of his rebel group are Razan and Cortna. Zarien dreams of a day when all races will be able to live together in unity without one race trying to assert themselves as better than the others. Zarien is a very fast-thinking and fast-moving elf, preferring to getting things done quickly rather than thoroughly, as long as it's done thoroughly enough to get the job done. An excellent improviser, Zarien would prefer to attack first and then make up a plan instead of plan first and then attack, but only as long as a plan is made. Despite being an improviser though, Zarien prefers not to take risks.

Jroldin: Jroldin is a sixteen year old dwarf in the city of Araelia. He tends to spend a lot of time with his friends just hanging around and doing much. He expects to try and settle down and start working after Naming Day, but hasn't thought much about what he'd do, mostly since his father hasn't tried to bring it up. His father being rather reclusive and silent since the death of his mother, Jroldin has a pretty free rein about what he wants to do in life, and generally doesn't use it very well. He has only gotten in trouble with the police twice though (thrice if you count the time he was able to escape before they realized it was him), and for him, that makes everything okay.

Reynyagn: Reynyagn is a Sla'ad who has seen more than enough of his share of bloodshed and war. The only survivor of the Massacre of Varasheet, Reynyagn has led one of the surviving small groups of Sla'ad for some time, hiding from all creatures. Reynyagn is an excellent planner and strategist and would love to be in a position to actively strike against the elves, but has felt that his duty is to lead his people and keep them safe. Having temporarily gone mad after the destruction at Varasheet, after his madness, Reynyagn devoted much of his time into developing a strong and rock-hard will that wouldn't desert him again if disaster again fell upon him. A determined leader, Reynyagn would do anything to keep his people safe.

Number 997: The 997th most powerful lightning-orc in existence, Number 14 works aboard the Mothership to keep the Mothership running. All lightning-orcs have a natural bonding with computers due to their power to control electricity, thus making them excellent programmers as they can merely think with their mind while having an electrical connection with the computers and thus program it more easier than any other race. Number 997 works with those whose job is to monitor the Mothership's computers to keep it running. Number 997's goal in life is to become one of the top 500 most powerful lightning-orcs in resistance and thus makes it his goal to use his free time to become more powerful in his lightning powers.

Questions about characters? Questions about settings? This is the post to do it. Ask almost any question about a character or about a setting and I'll answer it for you.
11/14/2011 02:47:31 am

Is the Oldin Astrid speaks to about the report Jroldin's father? Is that significant?

more later.

11/14/2011 11:38:27 pm

The Oldin is Jroldin's father; it is sort of significant, but nor particularly... It'll become more so when the various threads really start to weave together into one cohesive plot.


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