Bother.  I had tried to post this on Thursday, but for some reason I came on today and it was only saved as a draft and wasn't ever posted...  And I have no idea why...  Anyways, there should be a new comment contest coming soon...

Part LXXVI: Home Again

Date: Kornun 17th, 114 A.U.

Reynyagn stood on the crest of the hill, gazing down into the valley as he knew that he had finally found them.  Jroldin, Augger, and Brother Tomas came up behind him to stare down at the valley and at the huts in it. 

“Is this it?” Jroldin asked.

“This is it, I believe,” Reynyagn said.  “My tribe.  Stay here until I can assure them that you aren’t their enemies.”  And with that he began walking down the hill.  It had been two months since the Xavier Team had split in half on the search for the fabled Sla’ad golden weapon known as the Arglem, the weapon of the kings.  They hoped that with two golden weapons, they would be able to better stop Emperor Jaigran.  They had thus split in half to follow two different leads—half had gone to find a man named Hagion, who had been a key general in the war against the Sla’ad. 

Number 994 had discovered his name in the slave camp directory and so half of them had gone to infiltrate the slave camps and find him.  The other half, which Reynyagn was a part of, had gone to find Reynyagn’s former tribe in hopes of finding information about the Arglem there.  They had pre-decided to meet in a certain location at Kapton 2nd to regroup and share their information concerning the Arglem.  And finally, after a month of wandering through the remains of the former elven empire, they had found Reynyagn’s tribe.

Reynyagn’s pace quickened as he moved down the hill and entered into the valley, legs moving faster and faster as he ran down the hill, the dark forms of the Sla’ad coming into more clear focus as he drew near. A couple turned to stare at this newcomer as Reynyagn slowed down as the downward curve of the hill ended, now moving through flat ground.  Two Sla’ad came up to meet him, each holding corsha spears.  Reynyagn noticed the reel around their belts—evidence of the rezquiets that they had ready to draw.

Reynyagn slowed down as he put his hands up to signify that he was not a threat.  The two Sla’ad came up to him; Reynyagn was surprised not to recognize either of them.

“Who are you?” one of them asked.  “I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.”

“My name is Reynyagn,” Reynyagn said.  “Former leader of this tribe.”

Goblet’s clinked and people sat back down in their allotted places as the chatter began.  Jroldin looked around, marveling at the numerous Sla’ad that sat at the table—more Sla’ad than Jroldin had ever seen in his life.  Course the only Sla’ad that he had ever known beforehand was Reynyagn, but still…

Reynyagn hadn’t left his wife’s side since they had arrived.  Jroldin couldn’t pronounce his wife’s name.  Reynyagn was seated near the head of the table next to his wife, as were the rest of them.  After everyone was served, the Sla’ad at the head of the table stood up.

“Greetings to our new arrivals and our old friends,” the Sla’ad said.  “For those new arrivals who have not met me, my name is Tzjearjlan, the leader of this tribe.  We welcome to the table Reynyagn, former leader of this tribe, as well as many of his friends.”

Taking the cue, Reynyagn pushed his chair back and stood up.  “Greetings,” he said.  “It is good to rejoin you all, though I confess that there are many of you whom I have not met before.  I suppose a word of explanation needs to be said for a couple things—my life, as many of you thought me dead—and my travelling companions.

“As many of you know, I haven’t been with my tribe since Traje of this year, when I went missing on a reconnaissance mission.  My group of warriors were ambushed by elves, who caught us by surprise, slaying all of us except for me, whom they spared in order to take me to appear before Emperor Jaigran.”  Low murmurs went throughout the crowd.  “Thankfully, their plans were not brought to fruition.  While being transported to the Mothership, while flying over the Great Forest, the elves themselves were ambushed by a group of goblins, who took them by surprise, overcame their ship, and freed me.

“I was then brought into the goblin civilization in the Great Forest.  In order to answer any future questions, there is a large civilization of goblins in the Great Forest who have kept themselves alive by scrambling the elves’ radar so that they didn’t realize that they all existed.  I was introduced to the goblin’s leader and became involved with their scheme to make the first major assault against the elves since the Great Upheaval.  Those plans were quickly changed.

Jroldin listened as Reynyagn detailed how he and Flek decided to follow the star to find the rest of the Xavier Team, how they met up with them, about the human and dwarf civilization, and about the plans they made in Araelia about the Xavier Team before being proclaimed and sent North.  He went on to detail their capture, their assault on the Emperor, their discovery of Augger, and then of what they had done since they found Augger.

“And here we are today,” Reynyagn said.  “Three members of the Xavier Team along with one of our friends.  It is a great joy for me to be in your presence, back with my tribe, although it will not be for a long time.  I come bringing friends, and a promise of hope through the Xavier Team.”

There was applause and Tzjearjlan stood up again.  “It is good to have you back, Reynyagn,” he replied.  “As you have told your tale to us, so it is fitting for me to tell you of our tale since you left.  After your capture, your tribe was set upon by elves, who had taken notice of them.  Your tribe managed to fend them off before going into hiding, where they came across my tribe.  Our twin tribes were both weak and so we joined to be able to better survive.  We began camping in this valley four months ago, after finding the deserted birth-place of the Mothership in a valley neighboring ours.”

Jroldin’s ears perked up at this.  The birth-place of the Mothership?  What was that?  But Tzjearjlan continued.  “We will do our best to help you and your Xavier Team to find the Arglem to be able to bring down the elves.  Tonight will be a night of feasting and celebration.  Tomorrow we will gather together a council and discuss the Arglem and the Mothership.  A toast, for new friends and old!”

“A toast!”  And glasses clinked.

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