Alright, I've got a mini-map of part of Arquenia today!  Not the large map I've promised to do of the whole map of Arquenia, but hopefully this will suffice for now...

Pts!  Warbaron wins Part LXXVIII as the only commenter, and I liked Bessie Lark's answer the best for last time so...

Warbaron: 4, Bessie Lark: 3

Part LXXX: Council of Sla’ad

Date: Kornun 23rd, 114 A.U.

“I hereby call this war council into order!” Tzjearjlan declared, banging the gavel as the Sla’ad and the Xavier Team members sat down around the round table.  “This is the 723rd War Council since the beginning of the Great War of Arquenia.  Would our secretary read the minutes of our last council?”

“Seven hundred twenty three?” Jroldin whispered incredulously to Reynyagn as the secretary began reading off minutes.

“Our people still view your War against the Sla’ad as never having fully finished,” Reynyagn whispered back.  “In our reckoning, your forces were betrayed by Jaigran when he ascended into the sky and you all joined us in the Great War of Arquenia, as our people call it.  Because I used to lead this tribe and because I was the last leader of the Sla’ad, our tribe has taken the mantle of the leader of the Sla’ad upon itself and our tribe is mostly followed by all the other wandering tribes.  This is thus the 723rd War Council since the day when we, under the tyrannic King Zzyanvyar, attacked you and began the War of the Sla’ad, hereafter referred to as the Great War of Arquenia.” Jroldin was still trying to figure that all out when the minutes were done being read.

“Today we call Reynyagn, Leader of the Xavier Team, to speak concerning his desires in this new development in the Great War,” Tzjearjlan said.  “Reynyagn, would you like to speak for your party?”

“Aye, I would,” Reynyagn said, standing up.  “I come here today to let you know of this new development, of the formation of the Xavier Team, and of our search for the Arglem as being a key object in the Great War of Arquenia.  We are searching for the object and would appreciate any aid in this matter.”

“I was one of the many servants of King Zzyanvyar,” one of the Sla’ad said, standing up. “I was privy as a silent aid during many of the initial war councils and heard their discussions on the Arglem.  As the war began to progress very bad for them as they didn’t get any of the allies they sought for but were being pushed back by the other races, they contemplated trying to use the Arglem to turn the tide, but those for it were always strongly opposed by the dissenters.  In the end, with the war pressing against their gates, they voted to take it and many of the other Sla’ad treasures and key weapons and to hide them in a secret place where those that came after them would be able to recover and use them.  The war was already lost for them and they didn’t want their most precious weapons and plans to fall into enemy hands.”

“Was the location of this trove discussed?” Reynyagn asked.

“The location of the trove was a secret known by only a few of the Council,” the Sla’ad said.  “They didn’t want the information tortured out of those who knew, so only three, one of them being King Zzyanvyar of course, knew the whereabouts of the trove.  They hired fifty workers to hide it and seal it in the mountains and then murdered the Sla’ad in order to keep the whereabouts known only to a few.  I believe that they also equipped it with traps that were only known to the three Sla’ad, in order to prevent any from gaining access to it.  Of the three, King Zzyaanvyar and General Riksha were slain in the Invasion.  Only Lord Arglemanov’s fate is unknown.  He fled the city with me and many of the other Sla’ad when the walls were breached.  We were separated soon after and I have heard nothing of his fate since then.”

Jroldin listened as different Sla’ad asked the other Sla’ad many questions about statistics and ways to find Arglemanov and other such boring matters.  Jroldin had nearly fallen asleep out of boredom when the conversation finally moved to a new topic.
“We will now turn to the matter of the Mothership’s birthplace,” Tzjearjlan said.  “Would the honorable secretary please bring the Xavier Team up to date on the current situation of our exploration there?”

“Yes,” the secretary said, standing up.  “Four months ago we settled here after finding what appeared to be where the elves built the Mothership.  Further inspection proved that our guess was correct and that it was in a neighboring valley that the elves built their colossal engineering feat.  We have made several journeys since then and have made a full report on our findings.  We have a detailed map of the area here,” he said, bringing out a map which he placed on the table.  “We have found what appear to be old computer files that have been corrupted and somewhat ruined, but which appear to have blueprints of the Mothership on it.  We have found some partially-destroyed physical blueprints as well and at our last meeting by a unanimous vote elected to form a committee with the task of trying to piece together all of the blueprints and information into one coherent document.”

“Would the chairman of that committee please rise and give a report on his committee?” Tzjearjlan asked.

One of the Sla’ad rose.  “Since the last meeting, we have been diligent in doing as the Council commissioned us to do.  We have scanned all the physical blueprints into our computers and have transferred all the computer data we have found as well.  It has taken us numerous work, but we’ve begun to piece many of the files together to begin to form a computer layout of the Mothership.  We estimate that it will take us another month at least to combine all the documents that we have and estimate that we will retain at least 80% of the original blueprint source for all of our files.”

Jroldin continued to listen as they discussed the Mothership—how it was formed, how long it took, the possibilities of creating their own Mothership, and the possibility of visiting the site.  Finally it was decided after much argument, that the Xavier Team would visit the site the following day in order to glean any information they could.  The Council would recess until after the Xavier Team returned and would then meet again.  And with a final vote, the meeting was over.  Jroldin wondered how people here could seem to enjoy this meeting.  Much less how they could stand seven hundred of them. 

10/6/2012 01:36:00 pm

No question? I guess I'll just have to make one up :P. Or more than one... How many councils has it been since something has actually been done (I'm guessing nothing since the 327th Council)? What will the Xavier Team find at the site? (I think they will find hints to the location of the next corsha weapon, but before they can do anything, they're ambushed by elves. The Sla'ad rescue them, but some elves get away to tell Jaigran what they found.....)


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