_After reading this part some may ask, what does it matter? Why should you care who is governor? Well... I'm just going to keep that my little secret ^_^ But what do you think? What part do you think the governorship of Araelia will play in the long-term, and who do you support for governor? And do you think Astrid is honest with her foreign policy, or is it all mostly a political gimmick?

Part XLII: Debate

Date: Yippah 13th, 114 A.U.

Iraina looked in the mirror as his stylist put the last finishing touches on his hair before Iraina put on the dark shades that he would wear until he got up on the podium, finishing off his look. His good looks, combined with his call to arouse the city to go out to war against the elves had gotten the youth well on his side; all that was now needed was to convince those in the city who had been alive for longer than that and were more firmly behind the aged Astrid. After checking with the stylist to make sure he was good, Iraina sat down in the seat in preparation for when the limousine stopped at the town hall where he would have his debate with the Governor. Iraina was ready.

The limousine pulled to a stop, and Iraina waited for his guards to get to the door before he opened it, smiling and waving to the waiting crowd. Raising his hand in the air as a salute, he met the many hands that were held out towards him and laughed along with the crowd as he made his way toward the town hall, grinning and having fun with the rest of the jubilant crowd. Get them worked up; get them in a frenzy about him—make them in love with him. It would only further to increase the votes.

“You have to be on top of things at this debate, Astrid,” her campaign manager was saying. “The spike you got for the Xavier Team is almost gone and you’re going to need something to convince the people who joined you for the Xavier Team to get back with you. You need to make them just as jubilant as before with any information that you have from them.”

“But the information we’ve gotten from them so far-”

“Make them excited, Astrid,” the campaign manager said. “Iraina’s lead is only growing in the polls; you have to come out and hit him now. Alright?”

“All right,” Astrid said, pursing her lips. “I’ll do it.”

Iraina stepped up to his podium and deftly removed his shades, placing them under the podium, as he smiled at the crowd. A moment later, Astrid came out to the stage and deliberatively walked to the podium, crisply arranging herself there. Iraina noticed her tenseness and relaxed a little more. It would look good to the voters. He watched as the debate moderator came out and smiled. Their efforts to get a moderator sympathetic to his side had worked; now it was time to use all of his advantages to continue his rise to match Governor Astrid.

“This question is fielded to you from John Wilson from the eighth district,” the moderator said. “The question is, Candidate Iraina, you have said that you want to move aggressively against the elves. My question is, how do you plan on outmatching the forces of the elves?”

Iraina relaxed a bit. He had rehearsed his answer to this many times. “Well, Mr. Wilson,” Iraina said. “One doesn’t need to have greater forces than the elves to be able to defeat them. When the elves first rose to power, they didn’t primarily gain that power through the strength of arms but through the element of surprise. Thanks to some certain lax policies of our governor, we have refused to strike even though we are able.

I have evidence from a former cabinet member to our governor that shows that we have very detailed reports of the elves strengths and where their weak points are; furthermore, we have had such information for decades and have even been in positions to unleash a devastating strike against them. The only thing that has stopped us before from hitting the elves hard with a surprise surgical strike is because we have a governor who has consistently vetoed all efforts by us the people to try and regain our freedom. This is not acceptable; we have been subjugated by the elves too long—let’s stop electing a hesitating governor and elect someone who has bold plans to take that which is rightfully ours.” The crowd erupted in applause as Iraina smiled. Let’s see Astrid try and defend against that.

“Governor, a thirty second rebuttal?” the moderator asked.

“Thank you,” Astrid said as the applause died down. “My fellow candidate here wishes to both take the glory and the claimed failures of my previous policies in office. As we heard him say, one of the best benefits we have in this battle is the element of surprise. But while my fellow candidate here has wished to take stabs at all my policies, he has forgotten to point out that the only reason we have the surprise is because I’ve given us that advantage through our years of secrecy. Before now we haven’t been able to strike against them because we simply lacked the strength. It is only a fool that strikes when he isn’t ready. But as I have shown throughout my record, I am willing and I have done my best to ready ourselves to be able to strike out against them. It is through my patience that we’ve had time to gather a team of prophesy to go out and fight against the elves. So, unless my colleague would like to take the glory for my work in electing the Xavier Team, let’s look at who really has the record of working against the elves, all right?” The crowd again erupted in applause. But Iraina was ready in his rebuttal.

“Governor Astrid has claimed,” Iraina said, “that we have been merely waiting for the right opportunity to strike out against the elves and that all the advantages we have are because of her. Now, people of Araelia, let me ask you. Why is it that for months of our campaigning here, our governor argued time and time again that there was no use fighting against the elves until she started losing her inevitability in the polls? She would like to take all the praise for the Xavier Team and use that to prove that she wants to fight aggressively, but who was on that side first? Time and time again in this election I’ve argued for an aggressive push while she has flipped her side just to try and win this election so that she can go back to the same-old policies. Well, let me tell you something. I’m not running for the same-old policies! I’m not flipping sides just to gain votes! Governor Astrid has emphasized her stable side over the years, but if she’s willing to change her stable side at a moment’s notice in order to gain votes, what does that say about the stability of her side?” The crowd roared in applause as Iraina noticed Astrid bite her lip. Governor Astrid fumbled her response as Iraina relaxed to the roaring of the crowd. His numbers were going to be rising. His numbers were going to be rising.

Question of the Week:What are your answers for my above questions?
2/21/2012 08:57:12 am

Hahah, why should I care? Wellll, perhaps because I trust you to not go off on a random tangent. Perhaps because the more you say about Iraina, the more likely it is you'll actually introduce a certain character. Perhaps I don't care, but I'm commenting anyway because no one else has......
and yes, Astrid does seem to be a bit inconsistent. However, I'd like to see Iraina get elected and then not really follow through on his promises..that could get interesting. Or, if he does, the people of Arealia could attack the elves and lose. But I digress. (yes! I said it again! :D)


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